Kingswood BUZZard
The official Newsletter of the Kingswood Golf Estate HOA
April 2023 Edition #11
From the CEO
How time flies – it’s almost inconceivable that we are already in the second quarter of 2023.
Autumn is upon us and the sun is rising later and setting earlier with the swallows already having migrated back to Europe.
The estate is looking better than ever and, judging from the record amount of active building sites, the estate is growing at a rapid pace. Our Phase 4 development is enjoying the most activity from a construction perspective and this phase will arguably be the fastest-developing phase in the history of Kingswood. Together with rapid development, we have also seen a remarkable increase in property values at Kingswood.
The average selling price of houses in Kingswood has grown substantially and investment in Kingswood property has been shown to outperform most other investment vehicles.
The year started off early, with a general meeting of the members held on 27 January, where the majority of homeowners voted in favour of the construction of a community centre/clubhouse. This project is progressing swiftly and further updates on the project will be provided on a regular basis. The excitement is building the closer we get to design freeze and the submission of a site development plan to the municipal authorities.
The other major project we are busy with is the security upgrade project, which took months of hard work and expert input to finalise. It is full speed ahead, after final approval by the trustees, with this important project, and homeowners will soon be informed of certain aspects of the project as it pertains to access control. More on the detail and various projects further on in this newsletter.
The HOA and HOA Properties staff are working tirelessly to ensure that the estate and golf course remain in a pristine condition, with various improvement projects underway throughout the estate, ensuring that the estate’s infrastructure is maintained and improved. Thank you to our dedicated staff who sometimes work under challenging conditions – your commitment is appreciated. Homeowners are requested to report any damaged or broken infrastructure and estate property immediately to avoid further damage and to ensure functionality.
I hope you enjoy the articles prepared for you in this edition of the BUZZard.
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Please note, The newsletter is designed like a magazine, the articles and images flow over two or more pages.
Kingswood greetings,
Willem Jacobs
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