Kingswood BUZZard
The official Newsletter of the Kingswood Golf Estate HOA
August 2023 Edition #12
From the CEO
The first half of 2023 is done and dusted! Only five months left to accomplish those New Year’s resolutions …
Is it just me, or does it feel as if the winter is taking forever this year? The above average rainfall we experienced since May provided plenty of challenges on the estate, not least of which due to the soil being completely saturated with water, causing muddy conditions everywhere. There seems to be no end to the punishing cold fronts this year, but, as they say, ‘Life is like a rainbow – you need both the sun and the rain to make its colours appear.’
We held our annual general meeting on 26 June this year with all the normal formalities being conducted. We elected new trustees to carry the torch for the next 12 months; congratulations to Jonathan Witts Hewinson, Tony Jacobsen, Fielies Nieuwoudt (these three trustees will all be serving their second term) and Edmund Franklin (you will meet him later on in this edition of The BUZZard), who will serve his first term as a Kingswood Golf Estate trustee.
We also appointed a new auditing firm, Moore, to take care of the annual financial statements and audits for the foreseeable future. The two major projects currently under way on the estate, as you are no doubt aware, are the security upgrades and the Community Centre / Clubhouse project. Both projects are progressing well, despite the copious amounts of precipitation, which hampered work on the perimeter upgrades during May and June. Some of the work that will be performed at the access gates may cause slight disruption, but we will inform you ahead of time when this is expected. You can read more about these projects further on in this edition.
The estate maintenance team has had its hands full dealing with damage caused by water on the roads, headwalls, catch pits and open spaces. Our hard-working team, consisting of Mario and Kallie, has done sterling work under difficult circumstances. We again urge all residents to report any infrastructure defects observed, i.e. defective lights, irregular deformities in the road, etc., to the HOA as soon as possible; this helps us as much as it helps the estate.
The golf course did not escape the consequences of the high rainfall, and the course had to be closed for 15 days during the last two and a half months due to rain. Some of our winter projects, due to the waterlogged turf, could not yet be attended to, but we are confident that the sun will shine again and we will complete our planned projects before the winter is over. The golf course maintenance teams have had to work under very challenging circumstances due to the wet conditions, having to walk, and carrying equipment, instead of driving to various areas on the course.
We thank these men and women for their hard work and dedication. We also spare a thought for the golf operators, Kingswood Golf Operations, who have had to endure the poor weather conditions during the past three months and the impact this may have had on
their business.
We are excited about the second half of 2023 and look forward to the completion of various projects and
interventions in and around our beautiful estate.
I hope you enjoy the articles prepared for you in this edition of The BUZZard.
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Please note, The newsletter is designed like a magazine, the articles and images flow over two or more pages.
Kingswood greetings,
Willem Jacobs
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