Risk profiles. Are you maximising the Security portion of your estate levies?

By Verifier - 7 Dec 2020


2 min read

What is the real risk you face? Is it external or internal? What do we mean by this? People pay top dollar to live in a security estate, with the idea that they will be safe in an ideal community protected from the chaos around them, able to sleep easy with their doors unlocked and windows open.

While this is one of the intended purposes of security estates, many people are also concerned with the value of their properties and ensuring that the risk profile on their properties remains positive. However, there are several reasons why the level of security in an estate may become complacent over time.

Whether due to monetary issues or a misconstrued understanding of relative risk in the estates, many people may become complacent regarding their every-day personal security measures. So the question becomes, are you safer in a walled estate where the system is perceived to be advanced, or to be living in an individual home where the perception might be that it may be vulnerable, but in reality has more advanced capabilities?

Without casting shade over security measures in estates – it’s a fact that incidents happen quickly, and estates often have large perimeters which can be difficult to monitor unless aided by Artificial Intelligence.


More so, do you have all of your eggs in one basket? With the unstable economic climate, and ever-increasing risk environment in South Africa, if you rely on a single form of on-site security with few/no fail-safes, based off of a perception of security without the technology and resources to back it up, it’s a recipe for disaster. It’s better to have an advanced system and not need it, than need it and not have it, especially when these system upgrades don’t have to cost the earth and allow for strategic areas to be monitored from multiple locations.

If your estate security system isn’t running at full taps, if the system is reactive instead of pro-active, if you don’t have advanced technologically enabled early warning systems, then are you maximising the Security portion of the estate levies ? So is the true risk a possible external threat, or the internal threat of systems underutilisation compounded with lax personal security measures based off a false perception of real safety?

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